Sunday, May 18, 2014

I loved this activity so much!!


Hello again!  This week zoomed by... super busy and super great. This Friday for zone training we had an activity which entailed climbing a mountain!!! Super fun and super spiritual. I was able to learn and remember things that are super important for this work.  One of them being LOVE. We get so caught up in the busy-ness of things and forget to take a step back and ask ourselves why we are doing this.  I have felt Gods love enough to sacrifice my time and energy to help others feel that same love I’ve felt.  Because of that love I am happy and I am positive because I know I have someone who loves me and is looking out for me. We did an activity where we had to fill in the blank to this question. "I have felt Gods love when..." I pondered a bit and then I thought of a positive time when a teacher helped me during a hard time in high school and cared enough about me to ask me how I was doing because he could tell I was struggling and I was willing to share my thoughts with him because I trusted him because he expressed that care and I felt that love. Because of that love I knew someone was looking out for me and working through others to help me.  Remembering that experience helped me to think of how to answer the next question. "I can  help others feel Gods love by..." I loved this activity so much!!  So much.  WE made it to the top where we sang a song together High on a Mountain Top.  So beautiful.  And then we had a testimony meeting.  It was a wonderful zone training filled with the spirit and spiritually uplifting.  Just what I thought was needed to help me keep going with this work and stay focused on the important things of this missionary service.  I want to help others feel the love I have felt in my life and be that tool in God’s hands to help others feel His love. That is why I’m here!  I love it so much.  Feeling that love during hard times has really influenced me and given me hope and now it is my turn to do the same for others!  I hope you have a good week and try to be that tool that God needs you to be for those that need you. 


Sister Wright

I was stressed so i bought a plant to take care of. His name is wall-e 

 I did a good packing job with my backpack! haha it was so heavy.

The top of the mountain looking over Seoul (seems kind of smoggy)


All the sisters in the zone

The District


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