Monday, September 29, 2014

I start blubbering like a fool in made up Korean

So this week was a roller coaster ride! Lots of hi's and low's. All of them were wonderful experiences though. First off, we taught our wonderful Kim sisters, who are accepting the message so wonderfully. Baptism may be a big step for them right now, but we love them and we want the best for them and hopefully they will see how much of a blessing baptism is in the future! They are reading the book of Mormon and we are enjoying the blessings of teaching in their home and teaching with the spirit. For example, sharing an analogy with them about applying what we learn. We mentioned how just like when we learn math from our teacher and apply what we learn we read the Book of Mormon and apply its teachings. It is simple but that thought popped up into my head and I shared it with them. I firmly believe that was the spirit because I had never thought of that before! I have a testimony of the Spirit and when we open our mouths, they WILL be filled. It has happened in my time here too many times to deny it.

One of our downhill falls on this week’s roller coaster is a certain experience we had at church. We had prepped a special musical number. My companion and I were singing with a recent new member playing the piano who is about 18. She was late to the meeting, which got us worried, so we asked a member to help us just in case she didn’t show up. We get into sacrament meeting, our friend came to church right on time, she was stressed too, and then our bishop announces that we will be singing right at the beginning! So we go up there and we are all a bit frazzled and she starts playing the music. FYI, our mission president and his wife are sitting behind us. We sing the first page, (it's a medley of English and Korean) and right as I turn the page, I notice that the page is wrong and I don’t have the words to sing and I start blubbering like a fool in made up Korean....I start looking over at Sister Holdaway's music and start singing the wrong line and I’m trying to sort out my papers but there is noooo luck and I sing random English lines and Korean lines. It was a complete nightmare. I’m dying on the inside and I’m shaking like crazy. We can’t hit our notes, trying to smile at the congregation, and not laughing/crying at our complete failure. It was a 9 page song... I managed to find the last page of the music, so 2 pages of the song were correct. The beginning and the end... 7 pages of pureness. I wish I could erase that memory out of my memory. Whenever I think about it I go into shutdown mode and start laughing but looking like I’m about to cry. I want to cry on the inside, but it’s just too funny to cry about! But as I said in my letter to my mission president, it helped us bond with the members and they were able to feel for us. The elders didn’t even notice there was a problem, so I guess that is good? Ha-ha I’m glad our Heavenly Father can use me as his tool in any way! (p.s. fun fact, this adds to Sister Holdaway's experiences, she threw up in a children’s choir in Carnegie hall and it’s on video, and the little boy sitting next to her started to cry because she was throwing up in her sock right next to him!!) Hey but our investigator came to church right on time to hear us sing! Ha-ha that was great!

This is a week to remember!! Have a good week!

Sister Wright

Trash Clean up

cheesecake bingsu!!!!

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