Monday, December 8, 2014

The curse with being a singer's companion

First off, the new Elders are great! It’s always hard to change but we are all learning how to work together. I think the new elders are exactly what we needed and it was what the Lord needed because right when they came, we were able to refer 5 new people to teach just from finding them this last week. The Lord knows how to do His work and I’m grateful the Lord trusts us to do it! 

We had zone conference this week and the zone leaders asked us the night before to sing at the conference in order to bring the spirit and before a testimony meeting of the leaving missionaries! The curse with being a singer’s companion!!!  I have to get dragged into these things!! That was a bit of a stressor. We thought of an arrangement the morning of....
 So I’m not a singer, but ever since I came on the mission and especially in Bupyeong, I’ve sang more than ever before, including solos! I’m able to put my full faith and trust in the Lord in those moments!!  

I’m making temples again! I want to give a Christmas present to all the members and share a special message with them and use my talents that the Lord has provided me with! I love it and I love the members. They have several challenges and it reminds me of how grateful I am for my life and drives me to want to help them more and more. 

I was reading pg 100 of pmg and thought about how important it is for the missionary to have an open heart as well as the person they are teaching. If our hearts are closed, we can’t receive the spirit and if we don’t have the spirit, we can’t share it because it’s not there! That’s what our purpose is, to share the spirit with others. Invite others to receive this spirit. I know that as I teach without frustration, stress, and unhappiness for whatever reason, that the spirit is 100% going to be there. If our hearts are closed, then we are not missionaries, full time or member missionaries. We can’t do our job because we don’t have what we need to share it. 

I will end with the last verse of our rendition of our song!

"Teach me all that I must do, to walk in the Light!" 

Teach me to walk in the light/I am a child of God

Sister Wright

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