Monday: we had a sister conference about cleaning,
exercise, budgeting and get to know you game and a clothing exchange (thrift
shopping type feel) let me just say there were some interesting things in
there! Ha-ha I loved getting together and meeting all my previous companions.
They are soooo fun.
Tuesday: Culture conference. We learned how to work
with the Korean culture with missionary work. It was very interesting and I am
trying to implement the new things we learned, such as how to become your
investigators best friend and calling people by "aunt " or
"grandma" on the street and how Koreans love music, that’s why there’s
so many karaoke places! A member in Korea taught us and it was really fun.
President Morrise told us to be extra cheerful and to " shoot yourself up
with some more cheerful! “That was pretty funny comment.
Wednesday: District meeting about love. Elder Gamble
taught "If we are mean or rude or not loving, we are breaking one of the
greatest commandments!" I made brownies for the meeting, thanks mom!
Thursday: Exchange! I went to another area and we saw
miracles! We got out of a lesson, and while waiting at the bus stop for 10 min
no bus came. We were debating on whether to take a taxi but finally a bus came.
We weren’t able to text the member that we were already late to because the
other sister who exchanged to this area brought it with her so we were
phoneless for a day...But we get off the bus because we thought it wasn’t going
the right way and we try to take a taxi but then there were no taxis coming for
another 5 minutes. We finally got a taxi and the taxi driver saw our Book of
Mormon and asked about it and we left him with one. We got to the members house
about 30 minutes late, but when we got to the door, she got there 2 seconds
after us and said oh I’ve been worrying because I didn’t have my phone and I didn’t
know how to tell you that I was going to be late! Complete miracle.
Friday: had a member meal, I’ll tell that story
Saturday: Taught Jackson and Sarah. I painted an earth
for his lesson and we cut it up and made it into a big puzzle. We ate shabu
shabu with Sister Kim who just got baptized. It was super packed! A good mom
and pop Korean restaurant. (Soup with vegetables and meat and after you eat the
vegetables and meat, you put noodles in and eat. super simple but super good!)
Sunday: Went to church, a lot of people the elders
are teaching came to church. The gospel principles topic veered off to the millennium...
which wasn’t the best situation, but it’s all ok... Then we went to bupyeoung!
We got to attend the baptism of Sister Jung and another man the elders had
taught the gospel to. (He is a miracle too! He had said he saw us on the street
several times in an area where we taught a family, but never talked to us and
we had never seen him. The elders found him and he came to church the last week
I was in that ward and he got baptized yesterday! The family we taught in
that area isn’t meeting regularly anymore, but maybe that was just the Lord
putting people in our path in order for the Elders to find this man.) The
baptism was great and it was amazing to see familiar faces! It was a blessing
to be able to go there. I think it rejuvenated me and now I’m back to work in
this area!
I hope you enjoyed! Talk to you next
Sister Wright