It was hard leaving my last area, the
members were amazing and we really grew to love each other. I got some
tips from sister Rose about this area because this was her last area, but to be
honest, she scared me and pretty much said you can’t be yourself. I was kind of
stressing this past Saturday because I had no idea what I was walking into and I
didn’t know how I was supposed to act. I loved my last ward because the ward
loved who I was and we all were comfortable with being ourselves and being hard
working missionaries at the same time and willing to help the ward. But as I
got to know the members of bupiong ward, they were amazing! Everyone was happy
and I felt relaxed after meeting some members and meeting the bishop. And the
best part was, I GOT TO BE MYSELF!!! Some people said that the bishop can
be very hard to work with, but as I was myself around him and expressed myself
freely, he wasn’t bothered at all and at that moment I felt relaxed. I know
that I am a representative of Jesus Christ and that I’m a missionary and I need
to work hard and be diligent, BUT IT DOESN’T MEAN I CAN’T BE
MYSELF!! Sister Holmes and I were talking about this and how we are all
sent to places for a specific reason and for who we are. If I hide who I am
then I am living a lie!
I am happy
I am hungry
I am half Asian
I am obsessed with mike wazowski
I am a missionary
I am a daughter of God
I am a Mormon!!!!!!!
And another miracle, Joy Lee’s dad works around this area!! The
missionaries have seen him !!! I am going to try and find her dad (he sells
cultural Korean items) and talk to him and keep in contact!! It’s insane how
small of a world this is. A lady in my new ward knows someone named Eric Olsen
form Las Flores ward. They served in deajeon mission. I know the Church of Jesus Christ is true and
that Christ lives!! He is here and everywhere!!
I love you!
Our House. We don't have a table but we have accepted the Korean way and eat on the floor |
My desk is on the right |
another investigator bought us an icecream cake korean style form Baskin Robbins!! |