I’m sad to leave this area, I felt like I really connected with
the members, maybe because they kind of have an American feel to them and they
have very outgoing members and leaders. I really appreciated their help and
support for wanting to help the members become more united and do activities
together. We did a dancing activity and Elder Baldwin taught the relief society
sisters how to do the chachacha! We have been asked by the leaders and mission
president to do whatever the bishop has asked us to do because WE ARE WARD AND
STAKE BUILDERS! So we were included in this activity and these activities have
really helped the ward come together as a ward family and not just people they
see on Sunday mornings. We are also having a ward FHE tonight/going
away party for the missionaries. Myself and Elder Stowe are leaving and going
to Incheon. I love this ward and it will be hard for me to leave but it will be
good to step out of my comfort zone and step up to the new challenge. Lots of
growing and learning of course having fun at the same time! Without happiness, I
would die out here! The mission can bring stress sometimes, but joy can counter
all that and give a sense of hope and desire to keep improving. I have been
blessed with a companion that has super knowledge and can answer any type of
gospel question it seems like, whether it be my questions or investigators
questions. I’m super grateful for her knowledge and now that I won’t have that,
I need to keep working on gaining knowledge and retaining it. It really makes
me just want to tell all those seminary students out there to focus focus
focus! That time is such a privilege! I was thinking about school and how I
participated in school and I always was so scared of asking questions. For some
reason I am so bad at asking questions in school(probably because I’m embarrassed
of sounding dumb...) but I wish I could have been more outgoing in that aspect.
But out here in the field, I ask investigators so many questions while teaching
and sharing messages. Even though my weakness maybe something in one area, I
have found my strength in another. I am grateful for the simple blessings of
our Heavenly Father. I may not be a scriptorian, but I’m trying my best to be
one. I am not a pro at asking questions in school, but I feel like I have been
blessed with asking questions of the soul. I’m working with what I have and
going with it!!! and trying to make it even better!
We had a miracle this week. It was really cool. I was on the
subway and chatted with a lady and she said she wanted to meet but she lives in
Incheon, bu-piong city. We said we couldn’t go there and she was very
persistent saying she’d feed us delicious food and she would clean her house
super clean to have us over and invite her friends. But she was sad and
kind of disappointed we couldn’t meet with her. Well.... I got my transfer call
and guess what! I’m going to that same city she lives in!! I’m going to my new area with a potential
investigator!! Super cool and kind of a reassurance that this is where I need
to be going!
I read the book of Mormon and bible for personal study this week
and it was very spiritual. Scripture power! Man those primary songs are
speaking the real truth!!
I have to go but I love you and will talk to you next week!! :) I
know that not only reading but applying the scriptures to our lives, we will receive
an even greater testimony of this gospel. I practiced this during high school
and I have noticed the blessings!!
Sister Wright
Buddhist Temple |
Elder Baldwin teaching the Chachacha |
The District |
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