Hi family!!
This morning during personal study, I studied in "daughters
of my kingdom" relief society book and it talked about service the saints
performed during the early times of the church. The women were amazing and sacrificed
so much to help build the temples and provide for saints crossing the plains.
They showed true selflessness. There was a quote that I can’t perfectly quote
but it was along the lines of" even if you don’t get recognition for your
service or actions you do, what matters? ".. idk sorry for the horrible
quote. It’s on page about 45 by Eliza R. Snow. Anyways, I decided I could do
more selfless service for others and help those who need my time and talents
and devote all that I have!! There’s no other time like the present! Today is
sister Roses birthday so I thought it would be great to make it super fun! I
bought her balloons and journals and cute things and made her cake and put on a
birthday hat on her head! Fun festivities for a girl who deserves the best! I
love relief society and I love missionary work! ahaha this week was good, you
are all in my prayers!!
Love sister Wright
cool man at the fair making dok, rice cake! traditional way |
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