Monday, September 8, 2014

Hi family! Today is Korean thanksgiving!! Chuseok! Its harvest season and they go to the graves of their ancestors to remember them! Yesterday we went streetboarding and talked to people about genealogy. I talked to a nice man and gave him a pamphlet to do history work, but besides that, not many were interested. If all else failed, we wished everyone a happy Chuseok!! It’s a 3 day holiday and the women all make food for the in laws and it’s a stressful time. Everyone is at the market buying food and working to make family members happy. They make tons of food. Including ddok! Traditional rice cakes! Tomorrow we have a conference and we will celebrate the holiday. And people wear traditional hanboks (dresses and outfits) kind of like kimonos.

Can I just tell you I love my companion Sister Holdaway!! I have never felt so comfortable! This week we taught our new investigators that came from a member referral. After we met with them the member relayed back to us that the girls thought of us as angels!!! It’s all the spirit I tell you! I have never felt so at peace teaching those girls the restoration of the gospel. Companionship relationships really affect teaching. Sister Holdaway and I are just on the same wavelength and know what each other will say. Sister Holdaway and I were talking about the Holy Spirit and what it does. In PMG it says "the spirit always edifies" Then we wondered what does edify mean?? We broke it down to that it brings knowledge, inspiration, change, it fills! The spirit fills us with inspiration, knowledge, love, happiness, joy, questions, answers, etc. So whenever we feel these types of things, we are filled, edified by the spirit. As we taught, I felt edified and I knew that it was the spirit. I’m so grateful for all my many blessings. I know that this is the work of the Lord and I am doing what he wants me to do!

Have a happy Chuseok!
Sister Wright

We had Indian food in remembrance of you!!!! I loved it!

Not sure if my companion did

View from our investigators apartment

Answers to questions:

How is training going? 
I love greenie breaking! I see all these people getting these big leadership opportunities Sister training leader and trainers and such but I really enjoy where I am right now because most of what I have to worry about are the investigators and focus on their needs :)

How is the language?  Do you feel you can communicate fairly easily now?
The language is better, I see that I can teach very well, but actually conversing with people can be difficult at times. Especially moms and members in the ward. But that’s ok, I’m called to preach the gospel and speak doctrine so that’s what I’m going to do and am trying to be good at.

What are your challenges?
I have had challenges of discerning the spirit. I felt it before but I got stuck in a rut a while back so I’m trying to focus on that more. I know that while teaching I am being guided and things come to mind what to say and I am filled, but I need to learn how to go out in the day and have the faith to know where to go and what to say to certain people. It’s also hard being in a house of good people, but not perfectly obedient. Sometimes it makes me feel alone and sometimes it makes me feel like I can be relaxed on the rules. Do you have any advice??

Are you getting regular exercise?
We exercise and we go running, or I do cardio in the house or do exercise videos or stretching :) sometimes I’m the only one who works out in the house so I have to go out running or walking to get our energy up with my comp.

Are you exhausted at the end of the day?
The end of the day is hard, my eyes are heavy and irritated and my feet hurt. We walk a lot every day.

What are you studying currently?
I just finished the book of Mormon and D&C! I am a slow reader, but I study very intently so I feel like I get so much more out of the scriptures than if I read 10 chapters in one sitting. I studied the last chapter of D&C today and how missionary work on earth is preparing us for doing missionary work in the afterlife. We are spreading his light here and in the afterlife!

Are you being a good girl? (most important question)

I’m being a good girl!!!!

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