I spent all of today outside of the MTC. Sister Goines had several doctor
appointments and I was enjoying my time in the waiting rooms. Half the day I
was in doctors’ offices...it was interesting. It was weird being out in the outside world; I
didn’t know how to act! But soon enough I’ll
be out there. I got my travel plans today! I leave on November 7th at 7:30! 2 days before
expected, so that’s about 12 days... I’ve been here for almost 2 months now.
Time is flying by and I don’t even know where it went! I’m super excited, and
super sad to leave the MTC. I know there is no other place like it and I’ll
miss the peace that’s here. I miss the Koreans that were here for 2 weeks! They left last week, they were a hoot and so
precious. I think Koreans are the cutest people and so dang funny. They laugh
at my Korean, but also help me a ton with my language problems. Thank you daddy
for your email you sent, your words and the talk you sent were so helpful. Yes
life is hard, I shared that message with my companion. Today it just seems like
nothing is going right and we both have felt like breaking down and crying at
times, but without challenges, we can’t reach those amazing moments. We wouldn’t
understand the difference between hardship and joy! It is amazing to know that
we have been given this experience on Earth to feel these feelings and
experience happiness and sorrow. Both are great teachers and they teach me every
day. I thank my Heavenly Father everyday
for these experiences that make me a better, stronger person and missionary that
helps me come closer to Christ. Life is
hard, but all is well! We have our Father, our Brother and our families all
around us to lift us up. I love you and I pray for you always!
Sister Wright