really glad that I’m in the district that I m in right now. They are all really
hard workers and set the bar high. Some of the other districts aren’t getting
along as well as we are and I think that is because we are just so dedicated in
the work that we don’t have time to think about anything that might bother us,
and if they do bother us, we get over it real quickly, but there have been no
problems and it is such a blessing. It’s amazing to see how well we all get
along and help each other out.
have groups leaving every 2 weeks so our zone is constantly changing. Our zone
is the biggest in the mtc, The Koreans take up the whole cafeteria! Next week we'll have about 100 missionaries
going to Korea!!
On Monday I’ll have about 2
and a half weeks before I am in Korea!!!! Super crazy, time is flying and 18 months
really is so short. Wednesday was a rough day for me, idk, I was striving to be more Christ-like but things just were'nt working out. I was in one of the weirdest moods ever and I didn't understand it. But yesterday I got things worked out, and it happened to be one of the best days I've had here!!!! We got to teach our investigator with so much spirit and power and we weren't worried about the language, We just wanted to come closer to our investigator and share our message. Holy cow, we had been preparing this lesson all day and then at the very last second we decided to scrap our plan and just teach with the spirit. That experience was absolutely amazing. I know that the spirit was helping us and putting questions into our minds to share with our investigator. I am so humbled by this experience because I know that it is not me teaching the investigator. It's the spirit. I am just the Lord's tool. I love you and I'll send some pics soon!!!!
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