from a member family so he wasn’t our investigator, but we taught him a lot. Me and an elder sang a duet for the meeting! A Childs Prayer. We were the only ones who knew it in English and it was prepared 10 min before the meeting... hahah. I was super nervous, but I think it sounded good! and he understood what we were singing about so I think that make him happy.
After his
baptism he was still kinda sad looking and wasn’t doing too much, so I decided
to play some ping pong with him and he started to brighten up and I truly saw
the Holy Ghost working within him. He
was the happiest I’ve ever seen him and was smiling so big and really was
showing his true personality. He started winning and was doing victory
dances!!! So cute! The ward members were really amazed and had never seen him
so happy. They’ve never seen him really
smile! The rest of the day I made sure he was interacting and playing games and
enjoying himself. That day was his big day!! I really do feel like I’m his
older sister and helping him along this difficult time he’s going through. I’m
glad I can be here for him, he is so special.
I’ve been reading this book this month it’s called the power of
everyday missionaries, by Clayton Christenson. It is sooo good and I recommend
it to everyone. It talks of member missionaries and the power that we can
have!!!! So many good stories and experiences. I love you, talk to you soon!!!
Sister Wright
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