Sunday, February 16, 2014

Oh man its one of those times you got to plug your nose with faith!

Korean Restaurant in Irvine..YUMMY!
I’m glad you got the package and you liked the goodies! It was fun putting it all together. Dad is looking snazzy in the ties! haha and how many Korean restaurants do you go to???? that’s crazy you look like you’re having fun. The noodle dish is my faveeee!!! haha the Korean food is so good and the members keep feeding us to the point we’re going to explode. Whoever said that missionaries lose weight over here toottallyyy lied. Thank you for your snail mails papa! I really enjoyed them and I like reading about your experiences.
I got your little package! Thank you sooooo much! it’s so fun and cute and I use the little paper die cuts all the time! So cute, and the pictures!!! Ha-ha some of those are a little freaky.. but still super funny. Thanks for getting the pics of gong gong! They’re awesome and thanks for the Christmas letter! ha-ha glad I look crazy, I guess I have to embrace that I am a bit strange... anyways, on with the email...
So my companion is actually really sarcastic! ha-ha her English is good enough to where we are joking around all the time and she is really helpful with learning the language.  Sometimes she’ll speak in English and then I’ll try and respond in Korean and it kinda just works out that way! It’s helping me a lot.
We picked up an investigator from the elders because they couldn’t teach her and I’m excited to teach! She’s a really nice lady and her son is adorable. I’ll let you know how it goes next week!
This week we went to the temple and our mission president was talking about how in some areas we are just planting seeds, preparing those who soon will accept our message, but in some areas, we are just plowing the ground, getting it ready to plant those seeds. Especially in Korea, where in around 1950-1960's there were about 60 members of the church. Some areas are more prepared than others. It’s hard because I feel like we are getting the ground ready for the seeds to be planted.  It feels like our efforts sometimes are not doing anything. But I have to remember that just by talking to some people and maybe making their day better by making them smile or smiling at them is something that will help with the work progressing. Gardening is hard, or just challenging sometimes, but once the garden is flourishing and is filled with wonderful fruit and vegetables, oh how joyous!!!

A fun experience I went through yesterday is when we met with a less active and how she made her money was by collecting trash. We met with her and talked and she was super nice, but her surroundings weren’t the prettiest. People were throwing trash in her path and she was a bit dirty. She was peeling rotten tangerines that she got and she started feeding them to us.. uhh haha and we can’t say no because they’re our elders and they’ll get offended. So we started eating these fruit and she’d just keep giving them to us.. Oh man its one of those times you got to plug your nose with faith! But after that we gave her a short lesson and at that time I was reminded of the savior. How he would care for all people. In the city everyone is passing her by and throwing trash and people not talking to her, but Christ would do the opposite.  I believe that we made her day just a little bit better and were true examples of Christ. Today me and my companion made a goal to find a Christ-like attribute to work on this transfer. I’m excited to come closer to my savior!!


Sister Wright

Subway is always packed

the shopping carts stick to the upward escalator! you don't need hands!!! its crazy stuff over here!

I got slippers!!;)

Cutting the Kimchi

kimchi bokembab

My new apartment

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