Our finding ways recently have just been sitting on benches in
big parks or city squares and we talk to the people who sit by us and have fun
easy going conversations. Our mission focuses on building relationships with
people because it is very rare when people want to hear our message when we
directly say we are missionaries and ask them to listen to our message. But
when we actually talk to them, get to know them and express our thoughts and
feelings about certain things, people become interested and we are now friends
and they want to meet with us. :) I really like it. I don’t feel like I’m
forcing people do so something they don’t want. They can accept or reject our
message and I know that I am doing my part in spreading the happiness God wants
them to feel. This week a member bought us pizza and we took it into a park and
ate it and a lady came up to us and asked us if we could teach her English and
we explained our English program and that we teach 30 min of English and 30 min
of gospel. She was very interested and we gained a relationship with her and
she really is willing to meet. Miracle:)
Another miracle, I accidentally texted
a wrong name for English class, but she came anyway and we found out she was a
previous investigator 5 years ago and is interested in taking the lessons. We
taught her last night and we talked about everything. We asked her what the
most challenging thing is with raising children and she replied in English
saying desire. Wanting something for her child, wanting her children to do something
and they do something else and how she has to change and accept the way her children
(ages 7 and 8) make decisions and still love them. We related that to Jesus
Christ and how even though we make mistakes Christ loves and accepts us all. He
comes down to our level and understands us all. We had a deep conversation on
what we thought love was. My thoughts were the ability of understanding others
is a huge way we show love. We had really deep conversations and she was really
smart. When we introduced the Book of Mormon to her we didn’t have to commit
her to anything, she told us she'd read parts of it and will ask us questions
for next time! She reminded me of a member in our ward, Brother Ham. He’s a
philosopher!!!! He’s crazy ha-ha. He almost got deported from Singapore because
he couldn’t say "pardon" correctly and the guards were getting a bit
cautious of what he was trying to do... hahaha he kept saying "paden"
instead and got frustrated because they couldn’t understand what he was
saying... we're planning on teaching our new investigator with the philosopher
this week (sister Jung). (p.s. a lot of Koreans can speak really good English,
we teach in Korean and they like talking in English sometimes, so we get Korean
and English thrown at us).
So super sad thing that happened this week, our sister Jo couldn’t
get baptized this week because she got pneumonia and we couldn’t teach her. We visited her and it was weird, she seemed
perfectly fine but she had IV’s stuck in her arm and her son stays with her in
the hospital... it was strange... we sang a hymn to her and one of the sick
ladies belted out an 'amen'. Ah it’s so hard; we see Satan trying so hard to
get to those that are truly trying to find the truth. She will get out of the hospital this week,
but we don’t know when she will be able to be baptized because her husband isn’t
fond of the church. :/ We stay hopeful and keep working hard to help others in
need! We got home teaching assignments
this week. p.s. how’s Pat Smith?? Tell her I say hi!! And keep reading those
Liahonas and Ensigns!! They are so good. I love personal study time. I’m a slow
reader, but I try to focus and study what is being said. I am a slow learner
and slow retainer of information, but I think it’s because Heavenly Father
wants me to focus on the basics and not get mixed up with trying to retain all
this information that I can’t fully understand all at one time. I’m grateful
for being able to focus on the simple parts of the gospel. It has been a
blessing in my teaching and learning. Loves!!
Sister Wright
Brother Ham in his BMW |
Silk worms. They eat them |
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