It kind of was a slow week because a lot of people are on
vacation and we had long meetings with the missionaries and service projects
with our district. He mom and dad, guess what?? Our service project consisted
of picking up trash on the streets so we had to find trash tongs! I felt like
the official "runner" for tongs in Korea! And we found them!! I didn’t
know the vocab word for trash tongs... but hand gestures and body language work
real well and they were the next best thing and we got them! The find of the
week! I liked the service project a lot. Even though it was real hot we had fun
and talked to people and a lady we met sent her children to church because she
liked us! Anyways, this past Tuesday we had a lesson with a sweet 27
year old and we thought it would be a good idea to bring a young woman member
with us. She is getting ready to go to BYU and thought it would be a good experience
for her. We thought she was about 17 or 18.. but once we met up with our church
member named Dawn, she told us she was 16!! She told us she was nervous to
teach with us because she’s younger than our investigator and that she doesn’t
have the strongest testimony. We encouraged her and told her it’s not scary at
all! We told her we pretty much are having a conversation about what we believe
and there’s no pressure! She came with us to the lesson and really was able to
help us explain and share what she knows. She was great and we had a blast full
of laughs and getting to know each other at the beginning and sharing
about the restoration and testifying that our sister Kim can find truth just
like Joseph Smith did through prayer. There was a sweet spirit and Dawn had a
really good experience teaching with us. Sister Kim wants her to come back
again with us!
So fast forward to Sunday, Dawn came to church with her
dad, her mom is less active, and it was fast and testimony meeting. No one was
going up to bear their testimony, Dawn is sitting with us because her dad is in
the bishopric, and we turn to dawn and ask if she’d bear her testimony of her experience
teaching with us. She said she would! She goes up a little bit later and gave
the sweetest testimony ever. It was short but full of the spirit. She said she doesn’t
have the strongest testimony and she was scared to teach with us because she’s
young, but she told of how much fun she had and that she felt the spirit. It
made my heart just fill with joy and she was a bit emotional and that killed me
even more!! She is soo special. We talked to her a bit afterwards and she said
she was nervous to bare her testimony but SHE DOESN’T REGRET IT!! ahh I absolutely
love being with the ward and seeing members of the church grow in testimony.
Such spiritual experiences are so precious and I can see the light of Christ
growing within her.
We may not have very many progressing investigators right now,
but we have progressing members and I am so grateful I get to work with them. I
love the scriptures and I know they are true. I know that we all are on a mission;
we all have a divine role on this earth to bring salvation and eternal
life to everyone. Mission Possible!!!!
Love Sister Wright
Dawn and her dad |
on pday las week, we ran into a korean quartet!! it was awesome and we were pumpin up the crowd!! |
plastic skating, it is a rink with plastic ground |
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