One of the Kim sisters came to stake conference on Sunday!!
It was a great meeting and two return missionaries spoke and it was super
powerful and we could all feel the spirit. They seemed to have wonderful experiences.
We are also planning to have a music night on Saturday and just have
a music performance and testimony meeting. We hope it can bring the spirit and
touch the lives of some of the people we meet with.
I’ve encountered my crazy side because I’m really tired and
sister Moyer got to see it all yesterday... i was a bit dilusional?? Yeah,
she was entertained and my brain was about to explode, so we had a meditation
session. It really helped, and I feel a lot better! I’ve seen that it is ok to
take a step back and breathe!!! Relaxing is key to being successful! And we
played soccer this morning with pastors! The other team consisted of all
pastors, it was pretty cool, and we talked to some of them. We got some contact
information of others that are super solid people. We’ve gained their trust
that we are normal people!! I am really enjoying this area and things are
progressing here. We are teaching more and teaching members and enjoying it
along the way. Sorry this email is so crazy, I think the soccer got me all
hyped up! That’s exactly what I needed!
Sister Moyer is doing great!! We are loving each other more and
more. I feel like we have a sister like relationship.
I love this gospel!!!!
Sister Wright
we met with a memebr and wanted to make a picture together about a scripture! its the one in D and C about the chickens under the wing!! |
elders cleaned the steeple of the church.. probs not the safest thing to do! |
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