week was crazy! It consisted of pure party planning, decorating, and meetings,
exchanges with other missionaries, meeting with members and 1 lesson. But that
lesson was the lesson that made this whole transfer! Guess what; the Kim
sisters have a Baptismal date!!!!! It’s insane! We’ve been working with them a
lot on that. They were less apprehensive and decided to make a goal date for
them to prepare. It will be in January. We couldn’t do it in December because
they have tests all up until Christmas Eve! No fun at all! We were planning on
teaching them tithing, and the lesson was taken off course and we were teaching
what the Lord needed us to teach. The older sister asked if Moroni was a
prophet and we said yes, and Sister Moyer (which seemed random) said that Moroni
is on top of the temples, which led us to show them all the pictures in the
back of the Book of Mormon and explain about Joseph smith, temples, liberty
jail. It was interesting for them and while we were telling them these things, I
was like (in my head) this is so random! We aren’t getting to the tithing
lesson today I guess! But then after that, we shared a scripture in Moroni 7
that they read and talked about how "by their fruits, ye shall know
them" and related to what was just shared earlier about Joseph Smith and
how the Book of Mormon isn’t a bad book. We know that Joseph Smith is a true prophet
because of his fruits and because we’ve read and prayed about it. We then
shared about the spirit and asked how we receive the spirit, which got them to
answer baptism, which led us into inviting them to be baptized on a specific
date. It was the spirit that led that whole lesson. The Kim sisters are so
prepared and ready to make the necessary changes in their lives. They are
already keeping the commandments so well. Ahhh I’m so happy and I know this is
what Heavenly Father wants for them. The spirit has led us in their lessons
numerous of times and if I deny it, I would probably be condemned!
About the Thanksgiving party!

More people came than expected! 50 people! There was a
conflicting meeting in another area (music fireside) so we were concerned that
no members would show. But many did and they were pleasantly surprised at the
outcome! Our ward mission leader set a goal for us to bring 30 of our contacts,
and about 30 came! It was amazing. Lots of stress beforehand though. All of Saturday we
cooked, went to Costco, cooked more, bought more food, and prepped the final
touches for decorations. Menu: pasta salad, mashed potatoes (which the members
thought it looked like soup... woops ha-ha they were like “what the potato
soup??" yikes, corn, rolls, turkey, ham, pumpkin pie, hot apple juice and
members brought fruit! It was a lot of food but the turkey was in demand, the
elders said it didn’t cook all the way, (last minute we decided to cook a real
turkey... bad idea!!!) They only brought a little bit. But it was ok in the end;
people got to try a little bit of it. The Turkey Nightmare. The members got
super stressed and wondering if they should buy pizza or chicken at a store to
make up for it. We were all stressed! Ha-ha. The elders didn’t seem stressed at
all.... it was insane. Anyway, the people enjoyed the food; members were
involved with talking with everyone and doing some amazing missionary work!
Sister Moyer sang and then we taught dance! We did some line dancing moves and
doing the doe- see- doe and they loved it! There were kids running everywhere
to the music and a lot of members and non members participated! The ward mission
leader was laughing and going all out! It was so funny. It was a good experience
in the end and the ward members had a fun time as well! It was fun seeing
everyone in a different atmosphere other than just going to church. We are all
friends now! Ha-ha you can’t forget to have fun!!!!! In the words of our
mission leader "when you have fun, that’s when the baptisms come!"
Love you!!
thanksgiving tree, everyone wrote what they were thankful for on a leaf! |
sister chao put me on the body of a chicken man... |
Exchanges Cool camera holder |
New Church building that will be ready next year. It's the size of a temple |
Subway |
Piano Stairs |
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