Where to begin?
Miracle # 1:
We received 2 new investigators on our p-day! Tuesday I cooked meat
for breakfast because I just wanted to cook!!!! Breakfast time is the
only time we have time or no appointments... so we had kimchi and meat! I was
tired of cereal or eggs and yogurt. Thursday was the busiest day of
our lives!!! So many appointments and activities and travelling. It’s the
travelling that gets us super tired. But it was AWESOME! I felt sooo good.
Saturday was
an interesting day. We met with a referral from another missionary set that
told us she was very interested in what we teach and really wanted to meet. We
were so excited! We tried to prepare for her lesson as well as we could, but a
curve ball was thrown at us as we met. She actually wanted us to convert to her
religion. I don’t think I’ve heard the word heresy more in my life! Interesting
experience. The meeting was not filled with good feelings and I just felt like I
was being verbally abused for being Mormon. She told us that she was doing
missionary work for her church, but honestly, I don’t believe servants of God
would act in that manner. We respected her beliefs, but she seemed to not have
a filter. We felt so sad after the meeting. And we cancelled our lunch time to
meet with her! It has been frustrating
meeting with people who try to convert us because they feel like we are a cult
and are in the wrong and cannot be saved. But I feel like I’ve never been
happier because of this gospel! We follow the principles of the gospel so
closely that I cannot feel like I could be condemned for the kind acts of
service we have performed! ~ Anyways, I just know that those types of experiences
can only help me because I know that the Book of Mormon is true and I cannot
deny it. I do not know everything, I cannot answer everybody's questions, but I
know Heavenly Father can and I know He speaks through the spirit. I did an
activity in the PMG today and it had me write my testimony of the first vision.
I think if anyone hasn’t written down their testimony of the first vision on
paper yet, that would be a great thing to do right now!
I gave my farewell talk in church
yesterday because ward conference is next week! We were told to give it 10 min
before sacrament meeting... yikes! No time to stress about it so... miracle!
Be happy!!!
Sister Wright
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