This week I made a goal to be more
organized, I was a disaster last week, both physically and mentally! Sorry dad,
the rats nest started, but it’s gone now and everything is better. I was so
scattered with the area and making sure everything was under control, that I couldn’t
keep organized with everything else! But that’s no excuse and now as my desk
and clothes are organized, my mind will too! It probably didn’t help that our
sink broke again and we couldn’t do dishes often. Yikes
On P-day we went to bupyeoung! (부평) my last area and
visited some of my favorite people before vacation time was up! It was so great
to see them and so great that Sister Mineer was so willing to go with me on her
Jackson is progressing and he has been
sitting still while we pray and teach a lesson with a present! Inside were
brownies but he had to have faith and do certain tasks to receive faith/receive
the present. He did jumping jacks and had to jump a certain height and
eventually we gave it to him(we taught him about health and the word of wisdom
last week so that’s why we had him do exercises). He’s one of my favorites!
This week during my personal study, I
related the plan of salvation to a board game, like monopoly. I think Jackson
and his lessons are getting to me... ha-ha but it was really interesting.
Baptism is what gets us on the Starting space, now we are on the path. Every
time we progress and "pass Go" we receive blessings of 200$. But we
need to look and see where we are. Are we stuck in "jail"? If so, we aren’t
progressing and we are just dormant, going with the flow of things. We need to
constantly be trying to keep moving forward. Are we trying to only build up our
empire and get the best best best? If so we may lose all of our blessings/money
and lose all that we have. I call this, the Plan of Salvation! (I might be going insane... sorry if this
analogy sounds strange)
I love this gospel, and I know the Book
of Mormon is true. I know it’s true because as I’ve applied the teachings
contained in it, and as I’ve done that, I have felt the spirit. Because of that
spirit I know that revelation continues today and forever.
Sister Wright
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