Sister Mineer is 180 centimeters, or in
other words, 5 '11, and a blondie! She was super charitable this week and gave
a sister a piggy back ride because she had a hurt ankle on the way down from a
hike we had for a zone activity!
Thursday for 설날 (lunar new year) we
met together as a zone and played group games, ate French toast and eggs for
lunch, went on a hike, and then came back, watched Meet the Mormons and ate
pizza! Everyone is gone on this day with family so the area was empty and no
one was able to meet. We had training on the mountain about charity and
committed us to be more giving, selfless, loving, caring, forgiving, and
everything else that charity consists of. They had asked us to study charity
that morning and I will share with you some of the things that I had learned
about Christ and charity.
So, Charity is the pure love of Christ.
His love is everlasting. We know it is eternal because the ultimate act of
Charity that He performed is the Atonement, which is an eternal sacrifice. If
we choose not to have charity toward others, then we can’t receive Christ’s
charity, which is forgiveness of sins, the Holy Ghost, blessings, etc.
We had a miracle this week! Last week we
went to an appointment who, when we came to her door, she told us she couldn’t
meet with us. We were a bit confused and disappointed because we had walked
about 2 miles to her house... we started walking back and halfway home we
realized that we needed to visit some less active members that were in that
same location we just visited. We contemplated if we should take a bus or walk
all the way back again... we decided to walk and on our way back we met a
vivacious lady that knew who we were and offered to have us at her home and eat
dinner and meet her family and do our family English program. When we met with
her, she told us she had made a goal last year to meet and have a foreign
friend, and now she and her family will meet with us. They are all really
Christian, I think the husband relayed the whole bible to us last night... ha-ha
and interested in seeing what our church is like. I see a lot of good things coming
from meeting with them, and it’s a family!!! The daughter is 18 and the son is
16. I’m a bit excited to not have to teach some little boys right now, it’s a
breath of fresh air! Jackson was crazy this week... :)
The day after 설날 (Friday) the
district had an activity because things were still closed and families were all
out of town. So we chose to have a morning sunrise hike and go to the bathhouse
and get clean. We wanted to hike to a Christ statue that we had heard about and
saw through the trees, but took the wrong path, got to the summit went back
down before the sunrise, and never found the Christ statue\... disappointment
in all its forms! But we are going back another time. We planned to heart
attack the whole ward and prepped the hearts while watching Ephraim’s
Sorry, this is a lot of email for one
day, but I hope you liked it!
Fun stuff: I got stuck across the street
without my companion and the district because I dropped my pen and they all ran
and I missed the light...
Our kitchen sink fell off! The faucet
fell off after I turned on the water. Now we have to boil our water in order to
drink it. Good times!
Sister Wright
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