Hello family!!
I am not very good at this language... The ward members help me a lot when I ask for
their help and they are so willing. Sister
Kim is a super member and is just so amazing; she’s in my food pictures!!! haha
she served a mission in Temple Square! I heard all about what they do there and
they are such hard workers!!! Constantly talking to people and on their feet!!!
It’s getting colder..... Yesterday was the first rain, so now its downhill from here!!! haha im staying warm! Hopefully it won’t get any colder ;).We have one other investigator named Sunny. She is so sweet and is older. She is just so smiley and nice. She is interested and we will teach her tomorrow.
It was difficult getting used to things the first week, but I’m adjusting.
Prayer has been my favorite activity. It is a time to meditate and have a conversation with the Lord. Even though sometimes I don’t feel like he is there, I just have to be patient and have faith in Him and when the time is right, He will help and will comfort. I have had those experiences and I’m so grateful to have noticed when He has helped me. My testimony has grown of my Heavenly Father so much and I seriously can’t do any of this by myself. I love you!!! Keep in touch and Happy Thanksgiving!!
라 이 트 자 매
사 랑 합 니 다!!!!
I ate a little fishy fish with eyeballsss! its was soo gross hahah but i had to do it!@!!! |
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