Happy Christmas and Merry New Year!!!! hahaha I feel like thats
something Rudy would say.. haha anyways, busy busy and lots of good things this
week! One of the miracles I witnessed this week was when we were teaching our
investigator and her little sister was being loud and obnoxious and we were
watching the restoration video. I was praying the whole time for her to be
reverent during the first vision and make it a special moment. Right when the
scene started, the little girl came by me and was quiet and silent the whole
time, and we were able to enjoy first vision and feel the power that it has,
and then right when the scene ended, the little girl went back to being loud
and noisy and walking around. It was
just so amazing that our Heavenly Father would help us with something like
that. I was able to notice the little
miracle that is sooo huge to me! Those little moments just strengthen my
testimony so much more. I’m still trying
to look for the little things that just make the days so much better, and this
is a BIG little thing!! hahaha
There’s a pic of rockstar members who have super knowledge
of the gospel and great asset to the ward, they are so cute! and I still can’t
understand what they are saying!!!!! hahahaha it will get better!!! Love you
and wish you a good week!
Sister Wright